
Afzia's Favorite Things! - The Scent of a Woman..

Don't you love when you come across a scent that just transports you to a particular time and place?

That happens to me ALL the time!  And I LOVE it!

Jasmine in particular!

Ever wonder why this happens?  

Research says that we encounter most new smells/scents in our childhood and those "links" in the brain are already in place when we reach adulthood.  The emotions and experiences are what our mind reverts to when we come across those scents later in life.  It can be anything from the smell of apple pie to the pipe smoke smell from your grandfather's jacket when your were a child.

For me, my trigger is fragrances! I have certain ones on my dresser that are on my dresser because they are reminders of a special experience in my life.

Somedays nostalgia sets in and I go with the flow. Nothing wrong with that!

Take a nice trip down memory lane and be sure to smile!

Have a wonderful day!