
"I'm Ready for my Close-up!" ~ Wedding Photography

Wondering where to cut back on some costs for your wedding? One suggestion is to not skip out on documenting your magical day.  Either with a professional photographer or videographer, you will be more than relieved that you have all of these wonderful memories saved for you and your loved ones.

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Professionals not only have a knack for finding those perfect moments between you and your partner but they have an excellent way of catching those candid moments of your family and friends!  Nothing is funnier than looking back on the celebration and seeing the memories that you may not have caught the first time.

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One thing to consider when shopping around for a photographer or videographer is seeing how quickly they have the footage done for you!  If it fits into your budget, see about same day photos or videos!  Some brides prefer to show the “behind-the-scenes” footage the same day during the reception.   

A cute idea can be showing the footage of the bride and groom getting ready for the day with their wedding party!  You can ask for the photographer or videographer to create a certain type of mood to go along with this idea so you can have a more ‘funky’ and ‘comical’ vibe or more of a ‘touching’ and ‘sentimental’ feel to it!  Whatever you prefer!

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 Kitchener Wedding Planner

To the few brides that are lucky enough to have a friend or family member that can do this task for them, be sure to make clear what type of mood you are trying to capture! You want to make sure that taking all of that time to choose the theme for your wedding is not lost in the pictures or videos when you look back on them.

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Kitchener Wedding Planner

 Another thing to really be aware about is the pricing with photographers and videographers! Even though this will probably be a larger chunk of your budget it is well worth it in most cases! Just be sure that you are being smart with your selection… find the happy medium between paying a cheaper price for good quality and paying top dollar for something that you may think is overpriced. Remember, this is YOUR budget and you are the deciding factor!

Take a look at some more interesting and fun images that may spark some interest!

You know... rain isn't such a bad thing!  Some consider it good luck on your wedding day :)

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Cultural weddings have such an "exotic" feel to them!

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Weddings are about having fun and for that moment to be captured forever... priceless!

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and for those special moments between father and daughter... grab those tissues!

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Until next time…

 Article written by Charlotte Rodgers ~ Intern at Style & Elegance Wedding and Event Coordination