March 2014 ~ Spring is "officially" here!
We're all about optimism and putting positive energy, thoughts and vibes out into the universe. Ask anyone!
Many of you may agree that with Old Man Winter lingering around a little too long, it gets a bit difficult to see the light of Spring at the end of the tunnel!
Well we can definitely feel Spring "in the air" and we absolutely LOVE it!! ♥ Can't wait to see this beautiful peony in my front yard!
For us this new season brings a renewed sense of drive. It's hard keeping motivated during the winter months when all you want to do is get comfortable with a blanket and a hot cup of tea! Well now that we have seen some glimpses of spring... we are raring to tackle anything!
With that being said...we have a new addition to the Style & Elegance family!!!!
Meeting up for coffee one evening, we immediately hit it off - love when that happens!
Please welcome our wonderful intern Charlotte!!!!
We are soooo looking forward to working with her this year. Her enthusiasm is evident after just one meeting!
Just like us... she is a lover of all things wedding:) Can't go wrong there!
Lots in store for this team for 2014 and 2015!
Welcome to the team Charlotte!
We know we're a little behind on our March goals but it's been CRAZY in our world!! We are on track for our goal to live a healthier life though! Including these two delicious items to our daily routine has made an amazing difference in the energy level we have - AWESOME!
Reading up on the benefits of having water with lemon and grapefruit "bowls" inspired us to go for it! We recommend you try it! Read more at the above link.
Focusing to look at the positive everyday... here are a few words that inspire us. Remember, each day is a new one - take advantage of it!
Have a wonderful day everyone!!!