
~Trendy Mondays ~ Virtual Wedding Guests!

Kitchener Wedding Planner PlanningSocial media has taken sharing to another level with people constantly updating their statuses, tweeting and uploading pictures.

Technology is definitely the future; playing a huge role in helping couples share their special day with loved ones around the world. This year is set to see an increase in ‘Live-stream weddings’ as the service becomes more popular.


No one has to miss out anymore.  Whether someone is ill or unable to fly in, it’s no longer an excuse for them not to join in.  Miles apart yet connected with front row access from the comfort of your own home and no expenses! (As long as you have Internet that is!)

Broadcasting your event couldn’t be easier with platforms such as Skype, Google Hangouts or Facetime

 Kitchener Wedding Planner Planning Kitchener Wedding Planner Planning

Alternatively, you can use professional services such as Live-streaming Weddings, Marry me Live and I Do Stream who offer packages for guests to log on and watch, and even replay at a later date.

Kitchener Wedding Planner Planning Kitchener Wedding Planner Planning

Prices will vary from company to company and the package you choose.  It is also dependent on whether you have your own equipment and how much tech support you require.

Most couples are not even aware of this option and it definitely opens doors for who you can include on your guestlist!  

Happy Planning Ladies + Gents!


Article written by Keenda Sisouphanh ~ Intern at Style & Elegance Wedding and Event Coordination


Style & Elegance Wedding and Event Coordination
